Welcome to JS/UML
What is JS/UML?

JS/UML is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE that creates UML models and diagrams
from JavaScript code.
What does JS/UML do?
Imports JavaScript that is written in the styles of JSDoc, jGrouseDoc or YUI
Creates a UML model of the parsed JavaScript code which can be viewed using the Eclipse UML2 model editor
Creates UML diagrams that can be editing using the diagram editors from Eclipse's Papyrus project
Generates documentation for the modeled API using provided templates or custom templates you design
What is next at JS/UML?
Using JS/UML
You can download JS/UML here. Then please read the Install and Quick Start guides.
JS/UML is 100% open source and released under the EPL (Eclipse Public License)
JS/UML makes use of the JavaScript parser from the Dojo project, the Eclipse UML2 and Papyrus sub-projects, the Velocity templating engine, and of course the Eclipse platform.